Marine Protected Areas Byelaw 2016
In May 2014, Eastern IFCA introduced the Protected Areas Byelaw. This byelaw has enabled Eastern IFCA to implement protective measures in certain Marine Protected Areas within the district through Regulatory Notices. These Notices can restrict or prohibit fishing activity where appropriate. Eastern IFCA is required to conduct a formal consultation and produce an Impact Assessment for each Regulatory Notice issued or if we vary or revoke a Regulatory Notice.
Limitations of the current byelaw – Eastern IFCA can only implement Regulatory Notices within the MPAs listed in Schedule One of the Byelaw. Click here to see the current Protected Areas Byelaw.
Since the implementation of the Protected Areas Byelaw, a new MPA has been designated – the Cromer Shoals Chalk Bed Marine Conservation Zone and two existing MPAs have come under Eastern IFCAs remit to manage (fishing activity within the Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Site of Community Interest and the Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Site of Community Interest).
To use the Protected Areas Byelaw, the byelaw needs to be amended. Two options were considered; i) amending Schedule One of the Byelaw to include the additional sites or ii) amending the wording of the byelaw to reflect any MPA within Eastern IFCA’s district.
Future proofing our regulations – Rather than amending the current byelaw each time a new area is designated, the proposed byelaw will enable Eastern IFCA to implement Regulatory Notices in any MPA designated under legislation which is listed in the byelaw. As such, the byelaw will continue to have value even if new MPAs are designated or if current MPAs change. This will greatly reduce the procedural burden on Eastern IFCA and the public purse.
The process included in the byelaw safeguards stakeholder as a consultation is required and the production of an Impact Assessment if any new Regulatory Notice is proposed. This can be found in the in paragraphs 15 to 18 of the byelaw which can be found at the link below.
Marine Protected Areas Byelaw 2016 – Here
What are the potential impacts? – The proposed Marine Protected Areas Byelaw 2016 will not have any impacts itself – no additional restrictions or prohibitions will be implemented as a result of this formal consultation. Impacts will only result from the issuing, varying or revoking Regulatory Notices which can only be done by following the process set out in the byelaw – i.e. a consultation is conducted and an impact assessment is produced.
This is reflected in the associated Impact Assessment which can be seen by clicking the link below.
Impact Assessment – Here
Formal consultation
Eastern IFCA is holding a formal consultation regarding these proposed byelaws. Comments, support and objections should be made in writing in a letter to either of the following addresses:
Postal Address
Eastern IFCA
6 North Lynn Business Village
Bergen Way
King’s Lynn
PE30 2JG
The deadline for responses to be received by Eastern IFCA is the 15 April 2016.
Please also forward a copy of your response to the MMO at either of the following addresses:
Postal Address
Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court