2025 Bass Regulations: Commercial and Recreational

Last updated: 29/01/2025


The 2025 Statutory Bass Fishing Guidance has been published. A summary of how bass measures apply in the Eastern IFCA district is set out below. To read the full information on the rules, regulations and restrictions for bass fishing in 2025 published by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), please go to:

2025 Statutory Bass Fishing Guidance 


Commercial Bass Fishing


Trawls and Seines

All commercial fishing vessels are now authorised to land bass bycatch by demersal trawls and seines and no written authorisation is required. Ring nets are not included in the trawls and seines category. It is prohibited for vessels using ring nets to land bass.

Bass caught using trawls and seines remain subject to a 10% by weight of all marine organisms per trip. There is an unavoidable by-catch limit of 3.8 tonnes (3800kg) per vessel per year.


Other Gear Types

If you want to catch and retain bass by other gears you must have a written authorisation from the MMO to do so. Authorisations are  issued to vessels with a track record of landing bass during the reference period of 1 July 2015 to 30 September 2016 subject to any successful transfer requests.

Once you have been issued an authorisation you will be authorised to catch and retain bass with the gear types listed on your authorisation, subject to the specific limitations for each gear.

No bass can be taken by shore-based fixed gillnets.

A UK fishing vessel may  carry only one authorised fishing gear on a fishing trip when retaining bass on board.

During January 2025 and from 1st April until 31st December 2025, the catch, retention, transshipment and landing of bass in our district is only permitted if you have an authorisation from the MMO to do so.

Recreational Bass Fishing


These rules apply if you are fishing from a boat or from the shore.


Recreational fishing, including from shore, is limited to catch-and-release only during 1 February to 31 March 2025.

From 1 January to 31 January 2025 and 1 April to 31 December 2025, no more than two seabass may be retained per fisherman per day.

The minimum size of European seabass is 42 cm.

No bass can be taken by fixed or drift nets.



The above infographics are available to download in a print-friendly format through the following links:

                       2025 Commercial Bass Measures (PDF print)

                       2025 Recreational Bass Measures (PDF print) 


The infographics can also be obtained as posters or flyers from the Eastern IFCA office on request – see the contact us section to get in touch.

Please see the minimum sizes section of the website for information on other species in our district and more printouts.

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