• News

    1. Launch of Engagement Strategy and ARM Newsletter

      26 July 2024 8:10

      The updated Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ Engagement Strategy and Communications Plan has now been approved.  This strategy seeks to identify key barriers to effective communication relevant toRead More >

    2. Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

      27 June 2024 15:38

      Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unauditedRead More >

    3. Mussel Relaying Fishery 2024 Opening & Consultation

      09 May 2024 15:35

      The 2024 Mussel Re-Laying Fishery will open at 00:01 on 20 May. The fishery will have a TAC of 1500 tonnes and be open to both hand-working andRead More >

    4. Shrimp Effort Management

      09 May 2024 13:48

      Updates on effort levels in the Wash Shrimp fisheries can now be found on the Eastern IFCA website, under the ‘Shrimp Effort Updates’ tab. The Shrimp Permit ByelawRead More >

    5. Mental Health in Fishing Industry Survey

      12 April 2024 11:47

      Mental Health in Fishing Industry Survey   You are invited to take part in a research study looking to understand mental health in the commercial fishing industry.   Read More >

    6. East Marine Plan Stakeholder Workshops

      18 March 2024 12:11

        The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is holding two online stakeholder workshops, to gather stakeholder feedback on inshore and offshore marine character areas, in order to inform theRead More >

    7. 2018-2022 Call for Evidence on Eastern IFCA Conduct and Operations

      14 March 2024 14:29

      DEFRA invites responses to the call for evidence to help better understand  perspectives on the work of the Eastern IFCA in meeting its duties. The Marine and CoastalRead More >

    8. Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ 2022 Imagery Analysis

      08 March 2024 10:51

      Natural England have published a report detailing the analysis of video footage collected by Eastern IFCA in 2022 in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ. This work was fundedRead More >

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