2018-2022 Call for Evidence on Eastern IFCA Conduct and Operations

DEFRA invites responses to the call for evidence to help better understand  perspectives on the work of the Eastern IFCA in meeting its duties.

The Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) requires the Secretary of State to lay a report before Parliament on the ‘conduct and operation’ of the IFCAs as soon as reasonably practical after the end of every four-year period. The third report is now due and will cover from 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2022.

There are two ways to share your views:

  1. The anonymous quadratics survey is designed for individuals such as: anglers, inshore fishers, IFCA General Members, local government Councillors, Arm’s Length Body employees, academics and members of Non-Governmental Organisations. This is available via the following link: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management


  1. The online Citizen Space survey is for members of the public and representatives of organisations. This is available via the following link: Report to Parliament about Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities’ (IFCAs) conduct and operations 2018-2022 – Defra – Citizen Space

Both methods are now open and will close on 22 April 2024


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