Authority responds to pre-construction consultations for Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm

MMO consultations were received for Race Bank offshore wind farm, North Norfolk in preparation for project construction. Applications have been submitted for sand wave levelling and drill arising disposal, and trialling a new tool for offshore export cable installation. The Wash and adjacent coastal area are protected through nature designations and are used by commercial and recreational fishers.


What you need to know:
  • Marine Licence applications have been submitted for several activities; trialling an offshore export cable installation tool (UTV1200) along the offshore export cable route before construction, and levelling along the cable route and within the array, including disposal.
  • The Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site and Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Site of Community Importance (IDRB&NR SCI) protect important marine habitats and species, and are used by recreational and commercial fishers.
  • Offshore export cable installation tool – EIFCA raised concerns about trailing the tool in an EIFCA closed area that protects subtidal boulder and cobble. Also potential for fisheries displacement during the trials.
  • Sandwave levelling and drill arising disposal – EIFCA raised concerns about potential impacts to designated sandbanks in IDRB&NR SCI and to important crab breeding grounds at Race Bank.
    • The Authority seeks a balance between the protection of the marine environment and the use of it to support businesses and livelihoods.
    • The Authorities full responses are available on request.
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