East Marine Plan Stakeholder Engagement

Sign up to one of MMOs Issues with Supporting Evidence online events!

The events will be an opportunity for stakeholders to provide their views on the opportunities, challenges and needs for the east marine plan areas, along with supporting evidence. You can find out more about the Call for Issues with Supporting Evidence, the reasons for replacing the East Marine Plans, and the extent areas on the MMO’s East Marine Plan page.

There are three online events for you to input into the Issues with Supporting Evidence stage of the marine planning process:

Wednesday, 27th of November, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Sign up through Eventbrite here

Tuesday, 3rd of December, 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Sign up through Eventbrite here

Thursday, 5th of December, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Sign up through Eventbrite here

The Marine Planning 101 webinar is available to watch before which provides an overview of the process of Marine Planning and the legislation behind it.

You can also provide your views on the issues in the east marine plan areas via Citizen Space, which closes on the 10/01/25.

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