Mr S Worrall
Mr Stephen Worrall
I enjoyed 30 years working for the Environment Agency and its predecessors in coastal and inland flood risk management. From 1999 I spent 4 years posted to the then English Nature as Project Management of a EU LIFE Nature funded partnership project called ‘Living with the Sea’. The project delivered 7 Coastal Habitat Management Plans (CHaMPs), guidance on their future development and promoted an ecosystem based approach to coastal habitat measurement and management. CHaMPs helped the development of sustainable coastal flood risk management policies to comply with EU Habitats and Birds Directive objectives for achieving favourable conservation status of coastal sites.
Before taking early retirement from the Agency in 2007 I worked as national Policy Adviser on the development of Shoreline Management Plans, the remaining CHaMPs and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, also leading for Flood Risk Planning on Marine Bill and Marine Spatial Planning development.
I am involved in many community activities, elected to the General Committee of the Orford Sailing Club where I have particular responsibility for our dinghy park and waterside facilities and ensure good relations with other river users; on behalf of the Alde and Ore Association I operate the Butley Ferry (dating back to the 16th century), manned by volunteers it carries walkers and cyclists across the Butley Creek in Suffolk, part of the county’s network of footpaths and cycle ways. Amongst other things I sail my own classic boat locally, am a member of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and enjoy photographing the beautiful and wild Suffolk coastal landscape.