Does port disposal impact fishing grounds?
Harwich Haven Authority has been granted a marine licence to use a new disposal site off Felixstowe. The licence includes a requirement to set up a voluntary potting success scheme in the area of the disposal site, to help identify whether there are impacts on the shell-fisheries in the area. If impacts are identified (e.g. reductions in catch rates around the disposal site that are not seen in the wider area), the licence could be revised or revoked. Local fishermen are requested to participate in the monitoring scheme, in order to identify whether impacts are occurring. Eastern IFCA encourages participation in the scheme – the more evidence that is gathered, the easier it will be to identify whether an impact is occurring.
Harwich Haven Authority is seeking to meet with representatives of local fishermen to set up the shellfish monitoring scheme. For more information, please contact John Brien (Harwich Haven Authority – Harbour Engineer) on 01225 243030 or at .