Seeking information on the use of towed demersal gears in The Wash and on The North Norfolk coast
Key messages:
- We are seeking information about important trawling locations for towed demersal gears (shrimp and fish beam trawls and otter trawls) in The Wash and North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation.
- A questionnaire has been produced and the information provided will inform the development of new spatial habitat closures.
- Our aim is to design closed areas that will have least impact on fishing activity whilst protecting some of the designated habitats in the W&NNC SAC.
- A cover letter, guidance note and the questionniare with charts, are avaliable to download.
Questionnaire downloads
Please complete and return the questionnaire and charts by Friday 5th February 2016.
Please send your response via e-mail: mail@eastern-ifca.gov.uk
Alternatively, post your response to:
Attn: Towed gear activity questionnaire
Eastern IFCA
6 Bergen Way
North Lynn Business Village
King’s Lynn
PE30 2JG