Temporary Closure of Shellfish Fisheries: Consultation
Update 22/02/2021: This consultation is now closed
The Authority intends to renew the closure of the Wash Restricted Area Fishery (i.e. the area between the Wash Fishery Order 1992 and the le Strange Estate Fishery) using Byelaw 8: Temporary Closure of Shellfish Fisheries. Please click here to see a chart of the area.
The Wash Emergency Byelaw, which previously closed the area to fishing without a permit, expired prior to the implementation of its permanent replacement, the Wash Restricted Area Byelaw 2019. A temporary closure was introduced during 2020 using Byelaw 8 in order to protect the site whilst the replacement byelaw was implemented. It was intended that the replacement byelaw would have been in place during 2020, however, unexpected delays mean that more time is required.
It is, therefore, proposed that the closure is maintained (from the 26th January) for a further period of 12 months or until the Wash Restricted Area Byelaw 2019 is implemented, whichever is sooner. We anticipate that the new byelaw will be in place for the start of the next cockle fishery.
In practical terms, assuming the Wash Restricted Area Byelaw 2019 is implemented prior to the 2021 cockle fishery, this closure should not affect the industry because the area would ordinarily be closed until after the annual cockle surveys and the start of the next season.
If you have any comments regarding this closure, please make a written representation by the 22nd January 2021 to:
CEO, Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority, Unit 6 North Lynn Business Village, Bergen Way, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 2JG.
Or by email to mail@eastern-ifca.gov.uk