Regulations for the protection of the European seabass (bass) were published on 26th February 2020.

A summary of these measures is set out below. To read the full information on the rules, regulations and restrictions for bass fishing in 2020 published by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), please click here.

Recreational bass fishing

Recreational fisheries, including from shore, are limited to catch and release from 01 January to 29 February and 01 December to 31 December 2020.

From 1 March to 30 November 2020, not more than TWO bass may be retained per person per day. Any additional bass caught must be returned immediately to the sea.

The minimum conservation reference size for bass retained is 42cm.

No bass can be taken by fixed nets.

Commercial bass fishing

It is prohibited for commercial vessels to fish for bass during February and March 2020. Commercial fishing from the shore is prohibited throughout 2020.

Commercial fishers must have an authorisation (issued by the MMO) to catch, retain, tranship or land bass. In 2020, commercial fishermen will be authorised to catch and retain bass with certain gears, in accordance with the specific limitations for each gear.

From 1 April 2020 until 30 December 2020 catch limitations dependent on gear type will apply, please refer to table 1 below for more information.

The demersal landing obligation does not currently apply to bass in 2020. This means that you must discard all bass unless you have an authorisation and are fishing with the correct gear type for that authorisation.

Table 1: Commercial bass measures from 1 April 2020 – 31 December 2020

Authorisation required Daily by-catch limit Maximum Catch Limit


Demersal trawls Y 5% 520kg per two consecutive calendar months
Demersal seines Y 5% 520kg per two consecutive calendar months
Hooks and lines Y 5700kg per year
Fixed gillnets Y 1400kg per year
All other gears (including drift nets) All bass catches prohibited All bass catches prohibited All bass catches prohibited



Please follow the links below to download printable posters for the 2020 bass measures:

A4 Poster


These posters can also be obtained from the Eastern IFCA office on request – see the contact us section to get in touch.

Please see the minimum sizes section of the website for information on other species in our district and more printouts.


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