
If a fisher catches a shellfish (e.g. crabs, lobsters, mussels etc.), the removal of which is prohibited by another regulation (e.g. minimum landing sizes) it must be returned as near to the place it was removed from the sea from as possible.

If a molluscan shellfish is taken (e.g. whelks, mussels, cockles etc.) which needs to be returned, and it is not possible to return it immediately to the sea, they must be spread thinly and evenly across an area which will be designated by the Authority.  In this instance, please contact the Eastern IFCA office for guidance on the most appropriate place to redeposit the shellfish.


Any person who takes any shellfish, the removal of which from a fishery is prohibited by any of the byelaws, or the possesion or sale of which is prohibited by, or in pursuance of, any Act of Parliament or Statutory Instrument, shall return such shellfish

to the sea immediately, as nearly as possible in the place from which they were taken, or in the case of molluscan shellfish if this is physically not possible as directed by the Committee in any other designated area. In re-depositing such molluscan shellfish in accordance with the byelaws they shall spread thinly and evenly upon the beds the riddlings, sortings and siftings arising from the use of a riddle or other like instrument.

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