European Marine Sites
European marine sites (EMSs) include Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs). These are designated to protect habitats and species in line with the Habitats Directive and Birds Directive. They form part of a wide network of marine protected areas around the coast of Britain. The Eastern region of the UK contains a variety of nationally and internationally important sites, supporting a range of species and habitats. Because of this international importance extensive parts of the Eastern IFCA district are included as European Marine Sites. The Eastern IFCA works hard to allow sustainable use of these sites to occur without damaging the important features these sites contain.
Three European Marine Sites in the Eastern IFCA district that have dedicated schemes of management are:
Humber Estuary (Humber Management Scheme)
Wash & North Norfolk Coast (Why is the EMS special?)
Currently, the Eastern IFCA is working alongside Defra and the MMO on the refreshed approach to the management of fisheries within these sites. More information can be found here.