Consultation News – Closed Areas Byelaw 2021 Informal Consultation Report Published


The report of the informal consultation on the proposed closed areas to be included as part of the Closed Areas Byelaw 2021 is now available to read at the links below. This consultation ran from 27th May to 28th June 2021. The report contains an overview of what we asked, what you said, our response and the outcome.

Keep up to date with our ongoing consultation work on our website, here.

Closed Areas Byelaw 2021: Informal Consultation

Read the outcome report for this informal consultation here.

This consultation closed in June 2021 and was to help inform the development of closed areas that are required to prevent impact of fishing activity on protected features within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

The outcome of this consultation was that Eastern IFCA had a better-informed understanding of activity that was subsequently taken into consideration in the impact assessment for the byelaw. Discrete closed areas within the management focus areas have been finalised and agreed by the Authority. These areas are included in the Closed Areas Byelaw 2021 which consolidates all closures across 5 MPAs that have been informally consulted upon and agreed over several years.

A formal consultation on the Closed Areas Byelaw 2021 will run from 20th December 2021 – 4th February 2022. Information about this consultation and how to respond will be available on our website.


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