Consultation News – Outcome Reports Published
Eastern IFCA undertakes regular consultation and engagement relating to different fishing activity and fisheries management which provide stakeholders with the opportunity to inform our decision making.
The outcome reports of two consultations held in 2020 are now available to read at the links below. The reports contain an overview of what we asked, what you said, our response and the outcome.
Keep up to date with our ongoing consultation work on our website, here.
Shrimp Permit Byelaw 2018 Effort Limitation Scheme
Read the outcome report for this formal consultation here.
This consultation closed in March 2020 and was to help inform the development of the effort limitation scheme for the Shrimp Permit Byelaw 2018. The consultation responses have helped to inform the on-going development of the Byelaw.
The outcome of this consultation was that additional management measures for the byelaw are required. This will require further consultation with stakeholders to be undertaken in early 2021.
Whelk Permit Byelaw 2016 Permit Conditions Review
Read the outcome report for this informal consultation here.
This consultation closed in August 2020 and was conducted as part of our responsibility to review the permit conditions of the Whelk Permit Byelaw 2016 every four years. We consulted on the permit conditions for the byelaw in the context of our 2020 assessment which highlighted some risks to the sustainability of the fishery.
The outcome of this consultation was that additional management measures: permit conditions and eligibility criteria, are required. This will require further consultation with stakeholders to be undertaken in early 2021.