Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ Update: 2022 Rugged Chalk Review and Interactive Maps Now Available

At the end of last year (2022) officers completed a review of the extent of the rugged chalk in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ which incorporated all new available data sources at that time. This review is now available to be read in full here:

2022 Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ Rugged Chalk Review 


The new updated rugged chalk area is shown in the chart below:



This is not our final rugged chalk area but an updated version based on the new data that we have collected or sourced since previously mapping the rugged chalk in 2020. The collection of habitat data to inform the rugged chalk extent is ongoing and the rugged chalk extent will be reviewed again in 2023 to incorporate any further sources of habitat data which have since been made available or arise during the upcoming year.


This review and the updated rugged chalk extent has been developed with feedback from the Research and Development Task & Finish Group, the Evidence Review Group and fishing industry representatives. Any further feedback is welcome and will be considered in the next review.


Interactive Maps:

Click through the thumbnails below to download our interactive maps of the 2022 rugged chalk review.  In a PDF reader, add and remove layers to see how different evidence and information has fed into the review.

Please note: This feature may not work on mobile phones.


Map 1                  Map 2                 Map 3                  Map 4                 Map 5

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