Eastern IFCA – Natural England Joint Position Statement (March 2023): Management of the Potting Fishery in the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ
Eastern IFCA has been working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners to implement an Adaptive Risk Management approach to potting fisheries in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ. As part of this work, Eastern IFCA completed a potting assessment in 2022 which concluded that although potting is not currently hindering the site’s conservation objectives, impacts in the long-term cannot be ruled out. In January 2023, Natural England (statutory nature conservation adviser) provided us with advice on our findings.
Eastern IFCA and Natural England have agreed a Joint Statement outlining our joint position on this latest advice. The Joint Statement is available here:
For more information on our Adaptive Risk Management work, please visit our MCZ page: Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone