Extension to Closed Area Byelaw 2020 informal consultation
Eastern IFCA is seeking feedback to inform the development of management measures to protect sensitive seabed habitats off the Lincolnshire coast and within The Wash embayment.
We have moved the deadline for providing feedback in order to have more meaningful consultation and in order to get a higher response rate. The deadline for responses is 4th November 2019.
To find out more about the proposals, please read the summary which is available here. It includes charts and co-ordinates of the proposed management areas.
To participate in this informal consultation, please complete the questionnaire which can be downloaded here and return to:
CEO, Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority, Unit 6, North Lynn Business Village, Bergen Way, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 2JG
Or to:
Eastern IFCA is also currently consulting on other management measures including the development of crab and lobster management measures. Please visit the ‘consultation tracker’ on the front page of our website to find out more about this work.