Fisheries Management Plans
The UK Government has set out further steps it is taking to deliver a thriving, sustainable fishing industry and healthy marine environment for generations to come. The UK is introducing a world class system of fisheries management which is underpinned by Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs). FMPs are evidence-based action plans, developed in collaboration with the fishing sector, and other stakeholders. Each FMP will specify the stocks, type of fishing and the geographic area covered, as well as the authority or authorities responsible and indicators to be used for monitoring the effectiveness of the plan. There will not be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to FMPs, they will be designed according to the specific needs of each plan. All FMPs will go through a public consultation which gives interested parties the opportunity to give their views. Consultations for the first six FMPs, which include bass, crab and lobster, and whelk opened on 17th July 2023. The Government want to know what fishers and other stakeholders think about the policies and proposed management measures set out in each FMP, for further details of each consultation and to have your say, please see here.
Defra will also be hosting a series of Future Fisheries Management LIVE! events, both online and in person at various coastal locations, throughout summer 2023, for further details please see here.