Formal Consultation: Wash Cockle and Mussel Byelaw 2021

We are seeking your views on the Wash Mussel and Cockle Byelaw 2021.  The deadline for responses is noon on the 3rd May 2021.

The information you provide will be used to inform further development of the byelaw and will be provided to the Authority and the Secretary of State to inform a decision on whether or not to confirm the byelaw.

We have produced a questionnaire and summary information to assist you in providing feedback, these can be found at the links below:

The full wording of the byelaw and the associated impact assessment can be found at the links below:

We have had a significant amount of dialogue during the development of the byelaw so far.  The views of stakeholders have been used to inform the development of this byelaw and was taken into account by the Authority when this byelaw was considered.  A summary of the feedback received and our response to that feedback can be found here and the rationale for using a byelaw instead of an Order (under the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967) can be found here.

We are also consulting separately on how we will manage access to the fishery under this byelaw.  The separate consultation is in recognition of the importance of the matter.  Having gathered the views of fishery stakeholders on the matter, we are finalising an Aim and set of objectives and are developing draft policies and eligibility criteria which will be subject to consultation over the coming months.

We are very grateful to everyone who has engaged with us so far and we look forward to receiving your responses to this consultation.







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