Four time-limited competitive funding rounds have been opened under the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS)
On Wednesday 25th August, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) opened four time-limited competitive funding rounds to match fund projects that deliver sustainable growth in the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and that conserve, enhance and support the recovery of the marine environment. The funding rounds will be delivered by the MMO on behalf of Defra under the £6.1 million Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS).
Read the MMO press release here: Fisheries and Seafood Scheme funding rounds open for applications – GOV.UK (
Read more about the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme, including general and specific guidance for applications, here: Fisheries and Seafood Scheme – GOV.UK (
The deadline for all four rounds is 6th October 2021. Applications should be made through the Fisheries and Seafood Support E-system.
Grants will cover projects that:
- Support businesses trading in Live Bivalve Molluscs (LBMs)
Applications under this round must contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Strengthening the financial resilience of LBM businesses and long-term viability.
- Supporting LBM businesses seeking to adapt to new trading conditions.
- Enabling LBM businesses to have access to infrastructure including depuration facilities to permit domestic sales and exports.
Guidance specific to this round is available at: FaSS_-_LBM_guidance.pdf (
- Contribute towards protecting the marine environment
Applications under this round must contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Improving the management of the marine environment, including through the design and implementation of conservation measures, improved environmental monitoring, innovation linked to conservation and techniques and/or equipment to protect the marine environment.
- Protecting and enhancing marine habitats and species, and the restoration of marine habitats, thereby contributing to Good Environmental Status (GES) as required by the UK Marine Strategy and the Fisheries Act 2020.
- Supporting climate change adaptation, resilience and mitigation, contributing to net zero by 2050.
Guidance specific to this round is available at: FaSS_-_Protecting_the_Marine_Environment.pdf (
- Deliver world class science and technological advancements
Applications under this round must contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Increasing innovative or technological advances in the seafood sector, that are considered commercially viable.
- Developing new or substantially improved products and equipment.
- Developing new or substantially improved processes, techniques and behaviours.
- Increasing partnerships between the science communities and the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors.
Guidance specific to this round is available at: FaSS_-_Science_and_Technology.pdf (
- Support or enhance the recreational sea fishing sector.
Applications under this round must contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:
- Improving infrastructure in recreational fishing locations, to support social inclusion and coastal communities.
- Innovation in gear and technology to support sustainability Improved data, knowledge transfer and educational awareness of sustainability within the sector.
Guidance specific to this round is available at: FaSS_-_RSF_Guidance.pdf (
For more information or enquiries, contact the MMO’s Grants Team:
Grants Team
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone: 020802 65539