Informal Consultation: Wash Cockle and Mussel Byelaw 2021, Access Policies
The informal consultation outcome can be viewed here.
Update 12/10/2021: This consultation has now closed
We are seeking the views of Wash fishermen to inform the development of policies that will determine access to the cockle and mussel fisheries in The Wash, under the Wash Cockle and Mussel Byelaw 2021. The byelaw will replace the management of the Wash Fishery Order 1992 when it expires in January 2023.
This consultation will close on Monday 11th October 2021.
The management of access (how permits will be distributed, etc.) will be determined by policy. We are currently writing these policies and it is very important that every individual fisherman has the opportunity to contribute their views.
The policies are being guided by the aim and objectives that have been developed following input from Wash fishermen at the end of 2020. These are available to view in ‘information for stakeholders’ here:
A summary of the draft policies that we want to discuss can be found here
The key points for consideration are:
- How permits will be issued and to whom
- How permits will be limited in number
- How we will transition to the new system
- How permits may be issued in consecutive years
- How new permits may be issued
- How permits may be passed on to working partners or close family members
The policies are still in draft and are to be developed with consideration of the views of our stakeholders.
Making your comments
As the policies are developed it is important that we understand how they will impact individual business models and activity. This is so that we can ensure that the policies work well for all active cockle and mussel fishermen in The Wash.
If you would like to hear more detail about the new policies and to contribute your views, please contact us by:
Phone: 01553 775321 (during office hours)
Mobile: 07385 769305. (if the office is not staffed, office is staffed Wed-Fri)
Email: at .
We will then make arrangements to meet or to speak with you in small COVID-19 safe meetings, over the phone, or online.
Alternatively, you can provide written comments by letter or email. We need to have heard from you by Monday 11th October, or earlier if you would like to arrange a meeting.