Informal Engagement: Closed Area Byelaw 2020

Eastern IFCA has an ongoing programme of work to ensure sensitive seabed habitats are protected from the impacts of fishing. We are currently seeking feedback to inform the development of measures to protect habitats within The Wash and North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation and the Humber Estuary Special Area of Conservation.

Eastern IFCA are proposing the following changes:

  1. An additional restricted area on the border of Old Lynn Road channel and Inner Westmark Knock in The Wash. The proposed restricted area will protect intertidal Sabellaria reef from fishing using bottom-towed gear, hand working, crab tiling and bait collection.
  2. An amendment to reduce the size and alter the shape of the existing restricted area at Horseshoe Point, on the south bank of the Humber Estuary. The proposed restricted area will continue to protect intertidal seagrass from fishing using bottom-towed gear, hand working and crab tiling.

These proposals will form part of the Closed Area Byelaw 2020, which will also continue to afford protection to existing restricted areas introduced in Eastern IFCA’s Marine Protected Area Byelaws 2016, 2018 and 2019.

To find out more about the proposals, and to find out how you can participate in this consultation, please read the summaries available here:

These summaries include charts and coordinates for proposed management areas and explanations of why the changes are being proposed. The summaries also provide information on how you can feed back on the proposals.



Eastern IFCA is also currently consulting on other management measures. Please visit our consultation tracker on our website to keep up to date with all ongoing consultations.

Update 27/03/2020 – This consultation is now closed.



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