Intertidal Activities Disturbance Monitoring

Each year Eastern IFCA conduct a number of on foot surveys in The Wash intertidal zone during low-tide.


These include annual Wash Fishery Order (WFO) mussel and cockle surveys, monthly Environmental Health Office (EHO) and shellfish productivity (SWEEP) sample collection and enforcement activities and inspections.


To ensure these activities do not have an adverse effect on site integrity a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) was completed in June 2018 and a five-year assent for all intertidal activities carried out within The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC was successfully sought.   As part of this assent, Eastern IFCA monitor disturbance caused to birds and seals from activities to ensure the requirements of the HRA are met.


Science officers have produced a report summarising the findings from this activity and disturbance monitoring for 2019 which can be viewed here.

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