Management Update: Informal Consultation on a draft Code of Best Practice for lost and stored gear in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ
In August 2020, Eastern IFCA received formal advice from Natural England about the impacts of crab and lobster potting on protected features in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ. The advice flagged that fishing gear lost and stored in the MCZ poses a high risk to protected features. Since receiving it, we have been engaging with stakeholders from the fishing industry, the recreational diving community, Natural England and others to develop management solutions to deal with this issue.
As part of this work, we are developing a draft Code of Best Practice for Lost and Stored Fishing Gear in the MCZ and we are now seeking your views on the Code, the purpose of which is to:
1) Reduce the risk of fishing gear becoming lost in the first place,
2) Facilitate the disposal of end-of-life fishing gear and recovered lost gear that is unusable, and
3) Simplify the process of reporting, monitoring and recovery of snagged or lost gear.
Please get in touch with us to let us know what your thoughts are on the Code. Although this is a Code for the fishing industry, we recognize that great ideas can come from everywhere and so we welcome the views of all interested individuals and groups on how we can make the Code better. For more information, please refer to the digital flyer below.