Shrimp Byelaw 2016
This byelaw is not in force yet – it is currently being considered by Defra before being confirmed. An update will be published on the website when it comes into force.
The intention of this byelaw is to require commercial shrimp fishers to obtain a permit to fish for shrimp within the district. The byelaw also requires fishers to pay a fee to obtain a permit (£44 per year) and to return catch data to the Authority.
This Byelaw enables Eastern IFCA to implement permit conditions to manage the fishery. The permit conditions be designed to reflect the need to protect the environment and the fishery during 2016, with a view to have them implemented by December 2016.
Eastern IFCA will hold consultation soon regarding the permit conditions, updates on the work will be posted on the website.
Draft Byelaw
The Authority for the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District in exercise of its powers under sections 155, 156 and 158 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 hereby makes the following byelaw for the District.
- 1. In this byelaw:
a)‘district’ means the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation District as defined in Articles 2 and 3 of the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Order 2010 (SI 2010 No 2189);
b) ‘fishing’ includes: digging for bait; the shooting, setting, towing and hauling of fishing gear; gathering sea fisheries resources by hand or using a hand operated implement; catching, taking or removing sea fisheries resources and fish are to be construed accordingly;
c) ‘fishing for commercial purposes’ means to fish for sea fisheries resources for sale or reward.
d) ‘fishing gear’ includes: any nets, pots, ropes, anchors, surface markers, lines, dredges, grabs, rakes or other implements used or deployed during fishing;
e) ‘permit’ means a Category One Permit or a Category Two Permit issued under the Eastern IFCA Permitting Byelaw.
f) ‘the Authority’ means the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority as defined in Articles 2 and 4 of the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Order 2010 (SI 2010/2189);
g) ‘Shrimp’ means a marine organism of the species Pandalus montagui (commonly known as pink shrimp) or belonging to the genus’ Crangon or Palemon including Crangon crangon (commonly known as ‘brown shrimp’).
h) ‘shrimp trawl’ means any fishing gear which is used to capture shrimps involving the use of a towed net.
2. A person who is fishing for commercial purposes must not fish for shrimps from within the district unless that person is:
a) a holder of a Category One permit which is endorsed for shrimps; or
b) a named representative, nominated by the holder of a Category One permit which is endorsed for shrimps; or
c) in the presence of one of the above.
Endorsement charges
3. A fee will be charged for each endorsement to fish for shrimps, granted under the Eastern IFCA Permit Byelaw 2016 which will be payable prior to the issuing of an endorsement.
4. The fee associated with a Category One Permit endorsement to fish for shrimps is £44.