The stakeholder Group

Originally convened by the Marine Conservation Society, Agents of Change project, the stakeholder group was set up to facilitate an open and inclusive forum for discussion, knowledge exchange and idea sharing between the Cromer Shal Chalk Beds ARM project and those who are interested and effected by the management. The Stakeholder Group also sought to find common ground and to foster mutual understanding between those with different interests in the MCZ.


The group is now led and chaired by Eastern IFCA. The Stakeholder Group intends to engage all those with an interest in supporting the societal and environmental needs of the local sea via effective fisheries management of the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ. This is inclusive of those with fishing and conservation interests, as well as wider societal interests and needs (e.g. socio-economic interests such as employment and tourism).


The Stakeholder Group will support the progress of the Adaptive Risk Management approach by:

– Ensuring that all members are kept up to date on the work of the Project.

– Providing feedback, information and advice to the Project Board.

– Gathering the views of stakeholders to inform decisions taken by the project Board.

– Where appropriate, actively supporting the Task and Finish Groups in answering their research and managerial questions.

– Where appropriate, actively providing support to the Task and Finish Groups by taking part in their research. In this instance, the relevant Task and Finish Group will contact the Stakeholder Group member directly about this.


Eastern IFCA have committed to holding Stakeholder Group meetings at least once per year and providing at least quarterly updates on project delivery against the ARM plan (Engagement Strategy).



If you are interested to know more, or to join the Stakeholder Group, please contact us.


Useful links

Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds
Agents of Change
Engagement Strategy
CSCB MCZ ARM Stakeholder Group Privacy Notice


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