Wash Fishery Order 1992 – review
Eastern IFCA is reviewing several elements of its management under the Wash Fishery Order (1992) as agreed within the 2016-17 priorities at the Planning and Communication Sub-Committee (24 February 2016). This is Further to the moratorium on the issuing of Wash Fishery Order Licences (as agreed at the Marine Protected Areas Sub-Committee, 30 November 2011). Eastern IFCA will not service requests made in relation to the Wash Fishery Order (1992) Policy Notes until after the review is complete. Any requests or applications made will be considered against the outcomes of the review and will be subject to any new policies.
The Wash Fishery Order enables Eastern IFCA to manage certain shellfish fisheries within The Wash (Norfolk and Lincolnshire). Under the Order, the Authority can issue licences and set management measures to enable sustainable fisheries which do not have adverse effects on designated habitats.
In addition to the Order itself, Eastern IFCA uses Habitat Regulation Assessments, Management Policies, Regulations and Policy Notes as tools enable fisheries. These are used to guide how Eastern IFCA undertakes its responsibilities in relation to the Order (e.g. policies relating to the issuing of licences). These are currently under review and Eastern IFCA will be liaising with the industry in the New Year regarding proposed changes. Further dialogue with the industry will take place after the next Eastern IFCA Authority Meeting (February 2016).