Informal Consultation: Closed Areas Byelaw 2021
Eastern IFCA are consulting with fishermen in our district to gather information on fishing activity to inform the development of the Closed Areas Byelaw 2021.
We are seeking information on the levels of fishing activity in the areas under consideration for management so that we can understand the impact that any new measures may have.
The Lincolnshire Coast
We are investigating the need for closures to bottom-towed gear in the inshore section of the Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
North Norfolk Coast, Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ)
We are investigating the need to restrict netting activity (fixed nets and drift nets) within the zone.
More information about this consultation can be found at the links below.
This consultation closes at midday on 28th June 2021.
Making your comments
Affected stakeholders have been contacted about this consultation directly. If you require a printed copy of this questionnaire, please contact the office and we will post you a printed copy. The questionnaire for this consultation includes questions about the management areas considered for each location. Please respond to the questions that are relevant to your activity.
We appreciate that consultations can be time consuming to complete, and we thank you for your continued engagement with this work.
If you would prefer to provide a written response to this consultation please send this to: The CEO, to this address.
Further information
A summary of the consultation can be found here.
Charts and co-ordinates for the management focus areas at each location can be found here.
The questionnaire to respond to this consultation can be found here
The information you provide will be processed in accordance with our privacy notice found here.