Lost Gear Management

Fishing gear that is left at sea for extended periods, for example because it is lost, snagged or not tended to can be damaging to the environment, fisheries’ sustainability and the viability of fishing livelihoods. The extent of lost gear in the MCZ has yet to be fully understood. However, it is acknowledged that it represents a risk to the conservation objectives of the site due to the increased risk of potentially damaging interactions with what we refer to as “rugged” chalk. Natural England has advised that while the cumulative effect of active potting can hinder the conservation objectives of the site, lost and stored gear which is left in the water for more prolonged periods of time is of higher risk to the site.


We have been working closely with stakeholders to develop measures to reduce the risks posed by lost gear in the MCZ.  You can read more on these below.


Code of Best Practice: Lost & Stored Gear 


This Code of Best Practice (click on the image to the left to enlarge) seeks to build upon and promote existing best practice to mitigate the risks posed by lost and stored gear. The Code will be refined and broadened over time as we develop our understanding of what works and as new ideas emerge.


The Code was developed collaboratively and in consultation with stakeholders. More information  can be found through the following links:


              Informal Consultation

              Informal Consultation Outcome 

              Joint Press Release: Code of Best Practice Launched to Tackle Lost Gear



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