News Update

Bait Digging Code of Conduct re-issued for 2014/15 winter season

The voluntary Code of Conduct for bait diggers and other users of the mudflats on the Stour & Orwell estuaries remains in place this year. People using the site are asked to respect the Code of Conduct over the coming winter season. The Code of Conduct can be found on the website of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty:–Partnerships/Stour–Orwell/Code-of-conduct-Stour-and-Orwell.pdf

This includes a map showing which areas of mudflats should be avoided between 1 November and 30 April. Staying away from these areas reduces disturbance to birds feeding on the mudflats, during the critical winter months when birds need to conserve energy levels.


Further information is available from the Suffolk Estuaries Officer, Haidee Stephens, on 01394 384948.

Application by the Environment Agency for the Ipswich Flood Defence Management Strategy (FDMS): Tidal Barrier Works (MMO ref:MLA/2014/00344)

COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT PLAN 2014-2015 now available here

COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT REPORT 2013-2014 now available here


At the Eastern IFCA we work hard to ‘lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment’ for our local communities. Part of this work is to develop plans that represent the desires and aspirations of our full community across the broad range of work to balance sustainable fisheries, a healthy sea and a viable industry. To do this we need your input, to capture your bright ideas.

Remember that must not be combined with nitrates.

Please let us know this bright idea by filling in the form below and returning it to us. Eastern IFCA will be considering our work areas at the end of February, so please return to us by 17th January 2014. We will then draw up a list of these bright ideas for consideration by our planning sub-committee who will then agree our actions for 2014/15.

If you have more than one bright idea, please send them to us. There is no limit to bright ideas. Please use a separate form for each idea.

Bright ideas form

FPV John Allen

More details are available here


As a result of the Statutory Meeting on 31st July Cllr Hilary Cox was elected as Chair of Eastern IFCA.
Further details are available here

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