Wash Fishery Order 1992 Interim Policies
Pending the introduction of new policies on access to the Wash cockle and mussel fisheries upon the expiry of the Wash Fishery Order 1992 early next year, the Authority has revised the interim policies under the Order, they can be viewed here.
The effect of the changes are that the Authority will not approve, save for exceptional circumstances:
- licence or ‘entitlement’ transfers; or
- changes to vessels named on WFO Licences.
The intention of this policy is to prevent changes to vessels and persons named on WFO licences based on speculation as to the final wording of the new policies, which could have unintended consequences on the licence holder, and to prevent any attempt to circumvent the intention of the transitional provisions of the new policies.
The proposed policies for access to the Wash cockle and mussel fisheries under the Wash Cockle and Mussel Byelaw 2021 have been approved by the Authority subject to formal consultation with industry members, which will take place in the near future. In the meantime, the policy is available in the papers for the 47th Authority meeting (agenda item 11) here.