Dogger Bank – Notice to Marners
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 109 15042024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 108 08042024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 107 01042024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 106 25032024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 104 11032024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 103 04032024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 102 26022024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 101 19022024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 100 12022024
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0008 Rev 0003 DBWF NtM DBA PLB Operations
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 053 15042024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 052 08042024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 051 01042024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 050 25032024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 048 11032024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 047 04032024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 046 26022024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 045 19022024
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 044 12022024
LF600013-COM-DOG-NOT-0002 NtM-DBB OSP Commissioning
LF700013-CST-DOG-NOT-0068 DBWF NtM DBC & D Benthic Survey Campaign
LF700013-CST-DOG-NOT-0069 DBWF NtM DBC EC Marine Hazard AEZ
LF600013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0001 DBWF NtM DBB Export Cable Reduction to Charted Depth
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0003 Rev 002 DBWF NtM DBB & C Boulder Clearance Campaign
LF700013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0010 DBWF NtM Olympic Electra Boulder Clearance Campaign
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT 0009-DBWF NtM DBA Post Survey_Arctic Ocean
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0018 Rev005 NtM-DBA Foundation Installation
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0012 Rev 002 NtM-DBB Foundation Installation
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0011 NtM-DBB Foundation Installation Underwater Noise Monitoring
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0012 NtM-DBB Foundation Installation
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0007 Rev 003 DBWF NtM DBA IAC Lay Operations
LF600013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0003-DBWF NtM DBB IAC Pre Lay Survey
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0025 Rev01 DBWF NtM DBA Scour protection (armour) campaign
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0027 Rev0003 NtM DBA DBB Array Geophysical MBES Survey_X-Ocean
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0027 NtM DBA DBB Array Geophysical MBES Survey_X-Ocean
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0026 Rev 0002 NtM-DBA Monopiles unlit
LF700013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0004 DBWF NtM DBC Export Cable Trenching Trials
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0008 Rev 0002 DBWF NtM DBA PLB Operations
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0027 Rev0002 NtM DBA DBB Array Geophysical MBES Survey_X-Ocean
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0007 Rev 02 DBWF NtM DBA IACable lay operations
LF700013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0005 Rev 002 DBWF NtM DBC Trenching Trials Operations
LF700013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0006 Rev 002 DBWF NtM DBC Export Cable Pre-Lay Survey
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0025 Rev 0003 DBWF NtM DBA Scour protection (armour) campaign
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 043 05022024
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 099 05022024
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0010 Rev 004 DWWF DBB Scour Protection Installation
LF600013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0007 DBWF NtM DBB EC Temporary Marker Buoy
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0010 DBWF NtM DBA 4th PLGR Operations
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0004 Rev 03 DBWF NtM DBA IAC PLGR Operations
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 062 220520231
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 006 220520231
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0007 DBWF NtM DBA IACable lay operations
LF00016-SID-DOG-NOT-0001 DBWF NtM-DBD ECR Geophysical Habitat Survey
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 005 150520231
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 061 150520231
RWE Fugro DBS 2023 NtM_Rev 1
LF000016-SID-DOG-NOT-0001 DBWF NtM-DBD ECR Geophysical Habitat Survey
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 003 01052023
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 059 01052023
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0018 Rev004 NtM-DBA Foundation Installation
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0024 NtM DBA WTG MBES Survey
LF700013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0007 NtM DBC Nearshore Works Temporary Marker Buoy
LF600013-CST-DOG-NOT-0002 WNoO Rev 004 080520231
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 060 080520231
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0006 Rev 002 DBWF NtM DBA Pre Installation Survey
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT WNoO Rev 055 03042023
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0018 Rev002 NtM-DBA Foundation Installation
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0008 DBWF NtM DBB Export Cable Guard Vessels
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0023 DBWF NtM DBA Export Cable Pull-in to OSP
LF500013-IAC-DOG-NOT-0006 DBWF NtM DBA Pre Installtion Survey
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT WNoO Rev 054 27032023
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 053 20032023
F500013-CST-DOG-NOT-0006 WNoO Rev 052 13032023
LF600013-ESI-DOG-NOT-0003 DBWF NtM DBB Export Cable PLGR Operations
LF500013-SID-DOG-NOT-0003 Rev 002 NTM-Notification of UXO Confirmed UXO Items_DBA & DBB
LF700013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0006 Rev 02 DBWF NtM DBC Export Cable Geophysical Survey
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT WNoO Rev 051 06032023
LF500013-CST-DOG-NOT WNoO Rev 049 20022023
DBS_Notice to Mariners_Rev10
DBS Notice to Mariners_Rev 9
DBS Notice to Mariners_Rev 8
DBS Notice to Mariners_Rev 6
DBS Notice to Mariners_Rev 5
DBS Notice to Mariners_Rev 4
DBS Notice to Mariners Offshore
DBS Notice to Mariners Offshore
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0012 DB OWF NtM Benthic Survey
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0009 DB OWF NtM Nearshore Intervention Works
LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0004rev01 DBB NtM HDD punch out survey
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0003 DBA NtM HDD punch out survey
LF500013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0002 LF600013-MIP-DOG-NOT-0002 Installation of Temp. Marker Buoy
LF500013-SIP-DOG-NOT-0001 LF600013-SIP-DOG-NOT-0001 LF700013-SIP-DOG-NOT-0001 DBWF NtM _Geo Sampling
191511b-NTM-01 – 24 Sept 2020
Notice to Mariners UK (Rev 05) – 2020-09-02